If a hard blow strikes your face with enough force, it can result in a cracked tooth that includes highly damaging results such as a tooth cleaved in two and a compromised tooth root. If a cracked tooth is beyond saving and needs to be extracted, our dentist may replace the tooth with a quality dental bridge.
A dental bridge is a dental appliance made of a singular structure that represents the original appearance of your missing tooth. Your bridge attaches to your smile by fusing with custom-made dental crowns placed on each side of your tooth gap, covering abutments formed from the neighboring teeth.
To create abutments for the dental crowns, we must first remove the layers of tooth enamel before submitting a detailed impression of the abutments and surrounding teeth to our dental lab to begin the creation of your new dental bridge. Then, the abutments are protected with temporary crowns of hard plastic until the lab technicians are ready with your final dental bridge.
Once the new bridge is complete, our dental team can schedule your second appointment, in which we remove your temporary crowns and cement the new bridge to your smile.
If you have a cracked tooth and feel you would benefit from a custom-made dental bridge in Galt, California, call Amr M Enaya DDS Inc at 209-744-9955 and arrange a time to meet with Dr. Amr M. Enaya to discuss your options.