When the time comes to enhance your smile by replacing missing teeth, take it. The longer you wait to replace any teeth, the greater the oral health risks that can arise. One of the highest rated forms of dental prosthetics can be given through the use of dentures. Dentures are extremely popular because they are removable and can be contoured for as little as one tooth or for entire rows of teeth. For additional information on dentures, consider the following list:
What is the significance of dentures?
Dentures are a tooth prosthetic restoration treatment designed to replace lost or missing teeth with a reliable treatment.
How can dentures be used to help prevent further oral health problems?
Dentures can reverse impairments associated with lost or missing teeth by providing tooth replacements in areas where missing teeth once were.
What are the benefits of dentures?
Dentures can complete your smile, improve your oral hygiene, restore lost eating and speaking skills, and improve the look of your smile.
What are my options for dentures?
Dentures can be crafted for as little as one tooth, which are known as partial dentures or for entire rows of teeth, which are known as complete dentures.
If you would like an oral exam or a dentures exam from Dr. Amr M. Enaya and the rest of our team, please set an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Galt, California. We can be reached at 209-744-9955.